Saturday, May 29, 2010

Returning to the Land of Ubuntu

I will be blogging for the next few weeks (June 1 through July 18, 2010) from South Africa  -- the Land of Ubuntu.

I had the life-changing experience of living in South Africa at the end of the Apartheid era, and the birth of the New South Africa.  One of my most thrilling moments was meeting Nelson Mandela and shaking his hand. He was such a warm and engaging man with wisdom and charm to fill any room.  His enduring stamp on the future of that new nation was the call to everyone to live with the "Spirit of Ubuntu -- I am because of who you are."

This is a collaborative challenge to those who were once adversaries to combine their respective strengths into a new, and stronger nation.  Recently, Morgan Freeman played Mandela  in the movie "Invictus."  This movie was set around the South African Rugby Team and their quest to win the Rugby world cup in 1996.  I was living in South Africa at the time, and witnessed the impact of a nation coalescing in support of a sports team.  When the South African Springboks won, the unity of purpose extended beyond sports into the fabric of the nation.  The response was invigorating, and led to one and all, asking with a smile, "How do you like our new South Africa?"

I am returning to the Land of Ubuntu to enjoy the World Cup Soccer matches from June 11th to July 11th.  I don't know what the chances of South Africa winning may be, but I do know that this nation has accepted the challenge of stepping onto the world stage to host this great event.  In the Group Matches, I wll be cheering for Team USA.  If our team advances beyond the Group Matches, we will be there to support them.  Most of our time, however, will be spent with our South African brothers and sisters -- renewing the bonds that link us to the motherland.

I look forward to sharing our "once in a lifetime experience" back to the Land of Ubuntu.

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