Thursday, June 3, 2010

Former President Mandela may attend opening match

We arived in South Africa on June 2nd.  The entire country is fired up for this world class event.  Everyone is shouting "Bafana! Bafana!" -- the nickname of the South African national team.  Bafana means "the boys."  Everyone is shouting their support for the home team.  No African team has advanced to the finals of the world Cup.  If enthusiasm counts for anything, the South African team certainly has the support of the nation to go a long way.  Even former President Mandela has joined in the exciement.

Mandela Might Be At Opening Game
Chris Bathembu, BUANews

Former president Nelson Mandela might be in attendance at the 2010 Fifa World Cup opening match between South Africa and Mexico on Friday 11 June, Sports Minister Makhenkesi Stofile has confirmed.

Speaking to the SABC in Pretoria on Wednesday, Stofile said Mandela had personally requested tickets for the match, which takes place at Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg.

"He demanded his tickets for the opening match and the final, and Fifa had agreed to that demand," Stofile said.

There were fears that the 91-year-old statesman would not be able to attend the event due to age and health considerations.

'Exciting moment'

Mandela was present in May 2004 when Fifa made the historic decision to award South Africa the right to host the world's biggest single-code sporting event.

At the time, Mandela said he felt like a "young boy" expressing his excitement.

Fifa President Sepp Blatter on Wednesday said it was important for both Fifa and South Africa that Mandela attended the opening match.

"For Fifa and for South Africa it would be a very exciting moment if Mandela is attending this first World Cup in Africa," Blatter said.

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