Friday, October 10, 2014

Mandela Legacy Tour -- Day 3 and 4

Day 3 -- October 9
Today was a day of travel to the Kruger National Park for the safari portion of our itinerary.  We are staying at a wonderful hotel near the park -- The Protea Winkler Hotel. We are looking forward to our safari tomorrow.

Day 4 -- October 10, 2014 The Lion King -- Robert Mashau Today was phenomenally exciting. We drove through the Kruger National Park in search of the elusive "Big Five." Our tour guide was an expert at navigating the many trails and roads to spot locations where our prey could be found. With great patience and skill we accomplished a rare feat -- we sighted and photographed all five of these prized animals in one day --Elephant, Lion, Rhino, Water Buffalo, and Leopard.  Robert is the man!

Paul -- "The natural camouflage of each animal is amazing. Finding each animal in its natural habitat is very difficult.  I am glad we had an expert guide like Robert."

Linda -- "Everything has its place in nature.  There is no waste. The termites build huge castles, and the wart hogs burrow into them for their habitat when the termites vacate.  The birds get free rides on the backs of large animals and peck the fleas and ticks to get their meals free also."

Joyce -- "I have been to the Kruger National Park many times.  This is the first time I have seen all of the "Big Five" in one day.  What an exciting and unforgettable day."

Tomorrow, we will be visiting the Panoramic View in the mountains near the Kruger National Park.  We are looking forward to the majestic waterfalls and "God's Window."

Thanks for joining us for this fantastic journey.

Roger Madison, CEO
iZania, LLC

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